Your Ski Holiday Essentials

Your Ski Holiday Essentials

01/12/2016 Off By tripsology

With the biting Winter winds fast approaching, a reminder is set for many eager holidaymakers to turn their heads towards that much anticipated ski holiday. As the sun’s golden rays reflect off crisp, untouched snow and clusters of fir trees provide exciting new crevices down the mountainside, it’s easy to understand how such a picture entices people in their thousands to travel Europe and further afield in search of that perfect ski run.

As the very nature of a ski holiday and all it entails is so vastly different from other generic getaways in the sun, we at Talk Holiday believe that getting your bags packed with the all the essential equipment is of paramount importance. Plan your travel accordingly with this quick, effective guide.

Topping the list is undoubtedly a nice, cosy jacket. Material such as Gore-Tex will keep you insulated and waterproof whilst also being very breathable which is vital when whizzing down the mountainside. Likewise, good quality ski glovessocks and salopettes are all imperative buys, even when the sun is out it can be extremely cold and it is therefore essential to keep as warm as possible. Whilst on the topic of the sun, it is worth mentioning that packing a high factor sun cream comes highly recommended. As the snow provides a mirror-like surface from which the sun’s relentless rays are more than willing to rebound off, it’s vital to ensure exposed areas of your face in particular are lathered in sun cream.

Additionally, ski goggles are virtually interchangeable with sunglasses although can be considered a must as the latter simply don’t work when it’s snowing. Indeed, it’s worth noting that a lot of the aforementioned equipment – including, of course, skis themselves – can be hired for reasonable prices at many ski destinations. Only make sure that you pack warmly!

If all this travel talk is getting you in the mood for a bit of action on the slopes this festive season, don’t hesitate to get your bags packed and become a ski traveller!